The Power of Prayer
The Role of Prayer at Unity Des Plaines
Prayer is an integral part of Unity’s beliefs. Whether it is our own prayers, praying with others, or others praying for us, prayer deepens our trust and connection with God as our source. It also helps us to let go and let God be God in ourselves and others. This allows us the ability to listen from a place within our hearts.
Prayer Team
Our Prayer Team functions behind the scenes and is not visible in normal church activities. They maintain the high watch of prayer.
A “Prayer Request” box is in the lobby of our church. Your prayer request is delivered to prayer team members. These prayer requests are held in total confidentiality.
Each Prayer Team member holds these requests in their daily prayer for 7 days. After 7 days, the prayer requests are sent to Silent Unity at Unity Village in Kansas City, Missouri. Silent Unity prays for them for another 30 days. We have provided a link to Silent Unity so you can also send them a prayer request directly.
In addition, the Prayer Team also coordinates and leads Unity Des Plaines participation in Unity’s World Day of Prayer.
Prayer Chaplains
The Prayer Chaplain Team is an additional aspect of prayer support provided at Unity Des Plaines. Our Prayer Chaplains lead the opening prayer at each Sunday service and are available to pray with you before and after service.
The Prayer of Protection
The Light of God surrounds you,
The Love of God enfolds you,
The Power of God protects you,
And the Presence of God watches over you.
Wherever you are, God is.
- James Dillet Freeman
Prayer Resources
Call Silent Unity
A service of Unity Worldwide Ministries - "How may we pray with you today?"
Click or call the number below
Submit a Prayer Request
Click the link below to be redirected to our Prayer Request Page